English presentation

Hans Christian Andersen


THE DANISH PHOTO HISTORY SOCIETY was founded the 2nd of December 1975. Today it  has  approximately 200 members covering all of Denmark, as well as the  management group of 6 members including the managing  director.

Objectiv” the yearly periodical is produced thrice yearly with well illustrated articles, which also informs the members of  the coming meetings, etc. The members are interested  in  both the photo side as well as the technical one.

In Copenhagen, Østerbro, the members meet for talks 6 times yearly  as well as a photo flea market is  present, always interesting. Added to these are the 6 meetings for the photo-group  including talks and discussions too. Which gives the members a chance to meet up 12 times yearly.

Added to the above  meetings are twice yearly meetings with talks and a possible photo exhibition in Middelfart, on the island of Fyn, plus the society’s general meeting in April at the same place.

Joiner Jens Peter Andersen ~1904 : Solo stereocamera
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